It can be weird, annoying and unhealthy using your computer and suddenly notice there’s an element of the screen flickering or blinking. Intense or not, it’s challenging to how fast
How to connect a laptop to TV
Want to share you movie watching experience with a loved one or the rest of the family? Or maybe you just want your friends see you do something on your
The best Command Prompt tricks you should know.
These Command Prompt tricks, hacks, and secrets apply one Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, and XP operating systems.
What’s the difference between Dual Core and Quad Core Processors?
When you are purchasing a new laptop or building a computer, the processor is the most important decision. But there’s a lot of jargon, especially the cores. Do you need
How to use Windows Magnifier.
This tutorial applies to: Windows 10/ Windows 8.1 / Windows 7 Imagine accidentally pressing a few key strokes and your laptop or desktop becomes another source of stress to you.